Tuesday, February 5, 2008

20 minutes, easy

February 5, 2008, 7:20 AM
2.45 miles(3.95 km) | 22:17 | 9:06 pace

Today I ran the same route as Sunday, turning around at the same tree. I actually went a bit farther today, because I ran on a weekday during rush hour. I had to go down a little ways to get to a place where there was a pedestrian crossing of Søren Frichs Vej; then I had to run back about the same distance to reach the trail. The extra distance was about 750 feet. The first time I crossed the street, I stopped my watch while I was waiting. The second time I forgot, so there is an extra 20 seconds on my time above.

My legs were sore yesterday, my calves a little bit and my quads more. Sore quads surprised me, because I thought those were the muscles you used when biking. I felt more relaxed and comfortable breathing, and thought I was running about the same pace. Sunday, I tried to run negative splits (the second half faster than the first), but today I just tried to keep the same pace for the whole run.

Weather was pleasant, probably a few degrees under 40 (5 degrees C). It was dark when I started, so I wore a reflective vest. I should have dug out my headlamp too. The days are getting longer, so I probably won't have to worry about darkness much more.

Tomorrow is scheduled for 30 minutes of cross training, but I think it's reasonable to go 40 minutes on my bicycle.

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