Wednesday, July 16, 2008

30 minutes & 60 minutes

Tuesday I ran from my sister-in-law's place in Bayville (on Long Island) out toward the village of Centre Island. I ran out 15 minutes before turning around and coming back. The total time was just barely over 30 minutes.

This morning, Wednesday, I ran the same direction for 30 minutes before turning around and running back. The total time was under 1:01.

My knee feels OK. It's still a little sore, but not keeping me from running. My ribs feel very sore, but it's a duller soreness than when I first banged them, so it doesn't keep me from running.

I figure 30 minutes is a little more than 5K, and 60 minutes is a little more than 10K. Tomorrow I will run 30 minutes, maybe along a slightly different route.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Long run fiasco

I had planned to run 11 miles (well, an hour an 45 minutes) in Copenhagen on Sunday morning. Early Saturday, I took the ferry and bus to Copenhagen. My wife and son and I spent the day in Tivoli, the amusement park. We stayed at a Danish hotel chain called Cab Inn that has really tiny rooms, like ships' cabins (get it?).

Our room had two bunks, with a pull out mattress. My wife was going to sleep on the lower bunk, with our son on the pull out right next to her. This didn't leave any room for the ladder to the top bunk for me. I though I could get down from the top bunk all right (at 4:45 AM, and without waking anyone else up) without the ladder, but I decided to practice Saturday night to be sure.

Coming down by hanging myself over the metal side and then dropping, I banged my ribs on the side and severely bruised them. I don't think they're broken, but it hurts to twist or pick up anything heavy (like the two suitcases we were carrying, or the two-year old).

I tried to run on Sunday morning, but my ribs hurt a lot. I ran for twenty minutes, then I had to stop and walk. I ran and walked for a little while after that, but my knee would stiffen up while walking so I'd have sore ribs and a sore knee when I started running again.

So, I decided to turn around. I ran and walked most of the way home. I was out on my "run" for an hour and twenty minutes. I would judge that I ran for about half the distance (not time). I guess I only ran 45 minutes, which would be five miles or a little less.

I was pretty disappointed. I had been planning how I was going to get the run in with all the travel, and I was looking forward to it because it was my longest of the year, my first over 10 miles, and over halfway to my 20-miler, the longest run before the marathon.

I've landed in New York now, and took Monday as a rest day. I'll go out and try to run three miles tomorrow and see how I do. I think the 11-miler is a lost cause, because there's no real way to get it in now.

Friday, July 11, 2008

10 K pace

6.2 miles (10 km) | 57:38 | 9:18/mile (5:46/km)

This was a 6 miler at marathon pace. My pace was 8 seconds per mile slower than my goal pace. I ran the same route as on Tuesday, when I actually did run at my marathon pace.

I was a bit distracted this morning (thinking about software bugs, I guess). I stopped my watch at the one kilometer mark, but then forgot at the two kilometer mark. I got three kilometers, I don't really know where four is, and I got five (halfway). Six is the same as four, then I forgot all three of seven, eight, and nine. Each time I remembered about 45 seconds later, and told myself "I'll get the next one".

I did remember to stop my watch at the end.

The first kilometer was 5:32. I averaged 5:22 for the next two, and 5:36 for the two after that. That's 5:30/kilometer (8:52/mile) for the first 5K. The second half, I averaged a much slower 6:02/kilometer (9:44/mile).

Knee is still a little sore, but not so bad since I've started stretching morning and night again.

Tomorrow I will take an off day, because we need to catch the bus at 5:45 in the morning to get to the Aarhus bus station, to get on a bus to get on a ferry to get back on the bus to go to Copenhagen. I will try to run an 11 miler on Sunday in Copenhagen. Actually, since I don't really know where I'm going to run, I'll probably just run an hour and 45 minutes (just over a 9:30/mile pace). I'll run out somewhere for 50 minutes, and figure to take about 55 minutes back.

That will take me up to 14 weeks away from the marathon (as of Sunday). The next two weeks, I will have to tweak things because of travel. I think it will work to just shift things by a day, so my long runs are on Sunday instead of Saturday, and so Monday and Friday are my off days.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5K easy

3.1 miles (5 km) | 28:14 | 9:07/mile (5:39/km)

I went five kilometers at about the same pace as Monday.

My left knee is still sore. I stretched this morning before my run, and my legs were really tight. When my knees hurt before, I was stretching twice a day morning and night and additionally after every run. Then, when my knees suddenly stopped hurting, I was so excited that I completely stopped stretching at all.

So perhaps the knee soreness that has been dogging me for the last week and a half is the same issue and due to lack of flexibility. I'll get back to a stretching routine and see if it helps.

I seem to have been able to drastically alter my "natural" running form with just a couple weeks of attention to it. For the last kilometer today, I concentrated on lengthening my stride by pushing off behind and turning my legs over a little faster. For about the same perceived effort, I ran 5:24 (faster than my average) for the last kilometer.

Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, with stretching. Friday is a six miler at marathon pace. I will take Saturday off. I am taking my family on the ferry to Copenhagen first thing in the morning, and spending the day at the Tivoli amusement park and the night in a hotel in Copenhagen. Sunday, I will run 11 miles around and about Copenhagen before heading to the airport for a 12:20 flight to New York for two weeks of vacation.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

10 km

6.2 miles (10 km) | 56:43 | 9:09/mile (5:40/km)

Ten kilometers today. It turned out to be at my target marathon pace for a four hour marathon. My pace was pretty even, running 5:40, 5:37, 5:28, 5:33 (average for kilometers 4 and 5), 5:38 (average for kilometers 6 and 7), 5:40, 6:08, and 5:47. The second to the last kilometer, run in 6:08, is almost entirely uphill.

My left knee has been sore. It stiffens up when I'm sitting around at work and hurts a little when I'm walking around. It doesn't hurt when I run. Today, I noticed that my let shin is also a little sore when running. There is also a pair of bones in the top of my left foot that sometimes get out of joint somehow and hurts a little from the odd pressure on it. If I stop and twist my foot a little bit, it pops back with a click and feels better after that (popping it back doesn't feel so good). I have had this for at least ten years. When I used to do hiking and backpacking with forty or more pounds in my pack, the foot would do this all the time.

The last two days, I've noticed my foot behaving oddly in this way on my run. I wonder if my knee pain in my left knee is due to compensating by running differently on my left foot.

I think my running form has improved over the last few weeks since I began trying to be conscious about it. I still don't know if it's good (and my knee started hurting after I changed it), but it definitely feels strange to run with my old bouncy stride.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Off day and 3 miles easy

3.1 miles (5 km) | 28:10 | 9:05/mile (5:38/km)

I skipped my long run for the weekend. It was to be a six miler on Saturday, but my knee was still a little sore on Saturday and I helped some friends move, which took pretty much all day. It was quite a bit warmer than usual on Saturday, too.

Sunday the stores were open (because it was the first Sunday in the month) and we had to run some errands before our vacation next Saturday. My knee was still hurting, so I too Sunday off, too.

As a result, I didn't get my six miler in. I though about trying to run six this morning, but decided to just stick to today's scheduled three miler. I will run six miles as scheduled both tomorrow and Friday anyway.

There are now 15 weeks to go until the marathon. It's annoying that I skipped two runs last week (three miler on Wednesday and six miler on Saturday), but it's also annoying that my left knee is sore for two days after a run. It is still a little sore today, but I think I'll be able to do my six miler tomorrow. I'll just do a 5 km loop and see if I feel like doing another one after that.

This week has an 11 miler (almost 18 km) on Saturday. I'll move it to Sunday, because Saturday we will be traveling early in the morning to Copenhagen and then visiting the city all day. There is also a mileage jump with the Tuesday and Friday runs jumping from five miles to six miles.

Friday, July 4, 2008

5 mile pace

5 miles (8 km) | 46:07 | 9:13/mile (5:46/km)

This was a five miler at my marathon pace of 9:10/mile. My knee felt better at the start of the run after an extra rest day (I skipped a three miler on Wednesday). After the run, it was a little sore again. I should probably ice it, but I have to go to work and sit in front of a computer for eight hours now (July 4 is not a holiday here).

My splits for kilometers 3, 4, 5, and 6 are a little fishy. I think that I have the wrong idea of where the 3 kilometer mark is (so 3 is short and 4 is long; since it's 4 km out and 4 km back, that means that 5 is long and 6 is short).

My splits (target for a four hour marathon in 5:42/km) were 5:40 for the first kilometer and 5:32 for the second. The second is downhill. For kilometers 3 and 4 I averaged 5:31 and for kilometers 5 and 6 I averaged 5:58. Kilometer 7 was 6:19 (uphill) and the last kilometer was 5:48.

Tomorrow is my long run for the week, but it's only six miles. If I keep my knee from stiffening up too much, I should be fine for it. On my way to work this morning, I am going to ride my bike on my running route to verify where the three kilometer mark is and also to check where five kilometers is in case I want to make my six-miler a 10 km by running 5 km out and back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

5 miles, sore left knee

5 miles (8 km) | 48:47 | 9:45/mile (6:06/km)

I ran five miles this morning. My watch is at home, so I don't have the time right now (I'll update this post with it when I get home). It was pretty slow, over 46 minutes.

My left knee was a little sore after Monday's three miler. It might have been a little sore beforehand, I don't remember. Today, it was more sore after the run. This is a different knee soreness than I had after Salt Lake City---it is only one knee not both, and it hurts when I'm just walking around. If I sit for too long it stiffens up and it's hard to walk around after that.

I actually think it's sore from biking, not running, but I'm not sure of that. If it still feels this way tomorrow morning, I will skip tomorrow's three miler to give myself two rest days in a row.