Tuesday, July 1, 2008

5 miles, sore left knee

5 miles (8 km) | 48:47 | 9:45/mile (6:06/km)

I ran five miles this morning. My watch is at home, so I don't have the time right now (I'll update this post with it when I get home). It was pretty slow, over 46 minutes.

My left knee was a little sore after Monday's three miler. It might have been a little sore beforehand, I don't remember. Today, it was more sore after the run. This is a different knee soreness than I had after Salt Lake City---it is only one knee not both, and it hurts when I'm just walking around. If I sit for too long it stiffens up and it's hard to walk around after that.

I actually think it's sore from biking, not running, but I'm not sure of that. If it still feels this way tomorrow morning, I will skip tomorrow's three miler to give myself two rest days in a row.

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