Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Long run fiasco

I had planned to run 11 miles (well, an hour an 45 minutes) in Copenhagen on Sunday morning. Early Saturday, I took the ferry and bus to Copenhagen. My wife and son and I spent the day in Tivoli, the amusement park. We stayed at a Danish hotel chain called Cab Inn that has really tiny rooms, like ships' cabins (get it?).

Our room had two bunks, with a pull out mattress. My wife was going to sleep on the lower bunk, with our son on the pull out right next to her. This didn't leave any room for the ladder to the top bunk for me. I though I could get down from the top bunk all right (at 4:45 AM, and without waking anyone else up) without the ladder, but I decided to practice Saturday night to be sure.

Coming down by hanging myself over the metal side and then dropping, I banged my ribs on the side and severely bruised them. I don't think they're broken, but it hurts to twist or pick up anything heavy (like the two suitcases we were carrying, or the two-year old).

I tried to run on Sunday morning, but my ribs hurt a lot. I ran for twenty minutes, then I had to stop and walk. I ran and walked for a little while after that, but my knee would stiffen up while walking so I'd have sore ribs and a sore knee when I started running again.

So, I decided to turn around. I ran and walked most of the way home. I was out on my "run" for an hour and twenty minutes. I would judge that I ran for about half the distance (not time). I guess I only ran 45 minutes, which would be five miles or a little less.

I was pretty disappointed. I had been planning how I was going to get the run in with all the travel, and I was looking forward to it because it was my longest of the year, my first over 10 miles, and over halfway to my 20-miler, the longest run before the marathon.

I've landed in New York now, and took Monday as a rest day. I'll go out and try to run three miles tomorrow and see how I do. I think the 11-miler is a lost cause, because there's no real way to get it in now.

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