Friday, July 4, 2008

5 mile pace

5 miles (8 km) | 46:07 | 9:13/mile (5:46/km)

This was a five miler at my marathon pace of 9:10/mile. My knee felt better at the start of the run after an extra rest day (I skipped a three miler on Wednesday). After the run, it was a little sore again. I should probably ice it, but I have to go to work and sit in front of a computer for eight hours now (July 4 is not a holiday here).

My splits for kilometers 3, 4, 5, and 6 are a little fishy. I think that I have the wrong idea of where the 3 kilometer mark is (so 3 is short and 4 is long; since it's 4 km out and 4 km back, that means that 5 is long and 6 is short).

My splits (target for a four hour marathon in 5:42/km) were 5:40 for the first kilometer and 5:32 for the second. The second is downhill. For kilometers 3 and 4 I averaged 5:31 and for kilometers 5 and 6 I averaged 5:58. Kilometer 7 was 6:19 (uphill) and the last kilometer was 5:48.

Tomorrow is my long run for the week, but it's only six miles. If I keep my knee from stiffening up too much, I should be fine for it. On my way to work this morning, I am going to ride my bike on my running route to verify where the three kilometer mark is and also to check where five kilometers is in case I want to make my six-miler a 10 km by running 5 km out and back.

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