Friday, July 11, 2008

10 K pace

6.2 miles (10 km) | 57:38 | 9:18/mile (5:46/km)

This was a 6 miler at marathon pace. My pace was 8 seconds per mile slower than my goal pace. I ran the same route as on Tuesday, when I actually did run at my marathon pace.

I was a bit distracted this morning (thinking about software bugs, I guess). I stopped my watch at the one kilometer mark, but then forgot at the two kilometer mark. I got three kilometers, I don't really know where four is, and I got five (halfway). Six is the same as four, then I forgot all three of seven, eight, and nine. Each time I remembered about 45 seconds later, and told myself "I'll get the next one".

I did remember to stop my watch at the end.

The first kilometer was 5:32. I averaged 5:22 for the next two, and 5:36 for the two after that. That's 5:30/kilometer (8:52/mile) for the first 5K. The second half, I averaged a much slower 6:02/kilometer (9:44/mile).

Knee is still a little sore, but not so bad since I've started stretching morning and night again.

Tomorrow I will take an off day, because we need to catch the bus at 5:45 in the morning to get to the Aarhus bus station, to get on a bus to get on a ferry to get back on the bus to go to Copenhagen. I will try to run an 11 miler on Sunday in Copenhagen. Actually, since I don't really know where I'm going to run, I'll probably just run an hour and 45 minutes (just over a 9:30/mile pace). I'll run out somewhere for 50 minutes, and figure to take about 55 minutes back.

That will take me up to 14 weeks away from the marathon (as of Sunday). The next two weeks, I will have to tweak things because of travel. I think it will work to just shift things by a day, so my long runs are on Sunday instead of Saturday, and so Monday and Friday are my off days.

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