Monday, July 7, 2008

Off day and 3 miles easy

3.1 miles (5 km) | 28:10 | 9:05/mile (5:38/km)

I skipped my long run for the weekend. It was to be a six miler on Saturday, but my knee was still a little sore on Saturday and I helped some friends move, which took pretty much all day. It was quite a bit warmer than usual on Saturday, too.

Sunday the stores were open (because it was the first Sunday in the month) and we had to run some errands before our vacation next Saturday. My knee was still hurting, so I too Sunday off, too.

As a result, I didn't get my six miler in. I though about trying to run six this morning, but decided to just stick to today's scheduled three miler. I will run six miles as scheduled both tomorrow and Friday anyway.

There are now 15 weeks to go until the marathon. It's annoying that I skipped two runs last week (three miler on Wednesday and six miler on Saturday), but it's also annoying that my left knee is sore for two days after a run. It is still a little sore today, but I think I'll be able to do my six miler tomorrow. I'll just do a 5 km loop and see if I feel like doing another one after that.

This week has an 11 miler (almost 18 km) on Saturday. I'll move it to Sunday, because Saturday we will be traveling early in the morning to Copenhagen and then visiting the city all day. There is also a mileage jump with the Tuesday and Friday runs jumping from five miles to six miles.

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