Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5K easy, sore knees

3.1 miles (5k) | 30:00 | 9:41/mile (6:00/km)

Today was an easy 5k. My knees were still sore after returning from my trip to Salt Lake City. It didn't slow me down. I ran at my usual training pace.

I have been trying to read about running and sore knees. Several websites suggest that it is commonly caused by quadriceps that are too weak, calves and hamstrings that are too tight, or running downhill.

I was certainly running downhill a lot (half of each run) in Salt Lake City, and that's where my knees started hurting. So that's probably the big contributor. My legs are certainly not as flexible as they were when I was younger, either. I don't think my quadriceps are weak compared to the rest of my leg, because of the daily bicycle commute. I may have increased my mileage too much too fast---though I have been bicycling, I have not done any high-impact exercise in a long time.

For now, I'm going to try to stick to my program, but avoid running hills and stretch really well before and after each run, before going to bed, and an extra time on my off-day mornings.

This is the first week of the official marathon program, which means the race is less than 18 weeks away. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day (the rest day on Tuesday was the cross-training day from Sunday, moved to Tuesday due to travel). Friday I am planning to run 5 miles at my marathon pace of 9:10/mile. Saturday is my long run (and longest of the year so far) of 8 miles.

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