Saturday, June 21, 2008

8.2 mile long run

8.2 miles (13.2 km) | 1:19:00 | 9:38/mile (5:59/km)

I did manage to make it out for my long run (again, the longest of the year so far). I went just over 8 miles and took just under 80 minutes. My pace per mile was just about the same as all of my training runs have been.

I ran the first half in 39:24 and the second half in 39:35, which is pretty good because the second half is gently uphill. I tried to push the last two kilometers a little bit but not to much. I ran 6:03 for the second-to-last kilometer (almost entirely uphill) and 5:40 for the last kilometer.

I am still getting over this cold, so my throat was dry and sore. My knees were still a little sore for about the first kilometer, but then they started to feel better.

About halfway through, I got soaked by a quick but heavy rainshower.

The first week of my training program is in the bag. I skipped one day (a 5 miler) due to sore knees and the cold, and I skipped a cross training day. I shuffled the other days around due to my transatlantic flight. I still got my long run in, which is the important one.

I don't think I will make any special effort to do any cross training tomorrow. Then I will run 3, 5, 3, rest, 5, and 9 (miles) for the rest of the week. The important thing next week is to get the 9 miler in and let my knees rest, so I may shorten the five milers to three, depending on how I feel those days.

17 weeks to Amsterdam.

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