Saturday, June 28, 2008

Long run: 9+ miles

9.1 miles (14.67 km) | 1:25:58 | 9:26/mile (5:52/km)

This week's long run was to be nine miles. I made it a bit longer, because I ran down to the corner of a park that was a convenient place to turn around. I ran from my house almost all the way to the north end of Risskov, a forest/park near Aarhus. As my long runs get longer, I'll be able to turn a lap of Risskov.

I ran the first half in 41:15 and the second half in 44:44. That's a 9:03/mile pace for the first half and 9:49/mile for the second half. My legs, especially my quadriceps, were having trouble turning over fast enough for the last two miles (I ran the last kilometer at a 10:00/mile pace). The last 5 km is gently uphill, with the second to last kilometer having a bit larger hill. Still, my pace fell off quite a bit in the second half.

Tomorrow will be an off day (I'll probably bike into the city and back both today and tomorrow, and pushing the lawnmower is a bit of a cross training workout). I get a reprieve from long runs next week, where my "long run" on Saturday is only six miles. The week after that is an 11-miler which I will probably have to run on Sunday morning in Copenhagen before boarding a noon flight to New York. And the week after that is a 12-miler that will be somewhere in Michigan where I'm stopping in to visit my Dad. My first Saturday back after that is a 9-miler. So that is to say that It'll be five weeks before I actually have a chance to run all the way to Risskov.

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